Development of prototypes
Gear manufacturing
Tube bending
Cast manufacturing
Roll manufacturing
Splines manufacturing
Mass production
P.J. Machinage is now equipped with state-of-the-art equipment such as milling machines and conventional numerically controlled lathes. These machines make it possible to produce high-volume parts requiring high precision, with very short production times.
Speed, experience and precision are just some of the advantages you will enjoy choosing us to carry out your custom machining jobs, regardless of the size of the job.
Rigor in the application of manufacturing standards and attention to detail are just some of the many values that have helped to build our solid reputation.
We have a very varied order book, ranging from the machining of small parts to the manufacture of large components.
By making us your partner for your business or for your projects, you make sure you have access to a passionate, meticulous team and access to quality products.
Cutting and machining of metal to manufacture machinery components
Various machinery including lathes, conventional CNC milling machines
Metallurgy which includes the use of high precision measuring instruments
High precision custom work to create parts of all kinds
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